You might have heard the term ‘vardering’ mentioned in relation to hairdressing before, but what does it mean? Put simply, vardering is an intensive training process that every hairdresser who works for us has to undergo. It doesn’t matter how qualified or experienced they are, this process is an essential step to joining the team. So who better to explain why we varder, and the benefits of doing so, than Trevor himself!
Why do you have a vardering process?
Vardering isn’t a new concept in hairdressing. I myself had to varder when I went to work for Vidal Sassoon. He was the first person I heard of who adopted this process, and it seemed like such an obvious, and successful idea, that I’ve used it ever since in my own business. The purpose of the vardering is two-fold. It helps the new team member hone their skills to our standards, whilst also teaching our philosophy and beliefs so that we all have the same vision in our work. Everyone in this company has to go through this experience, without exception. Not only is it beneficial for the hairdresser involved, but it also creates an incredibly strong team spirit. The proof of the pudding is with one of our newest Stylists’ Louise. If you watch the video of her test (below) you can see just how many of the team stayed behind to support her both emotionally and physically. It’s always fantastic to see.
Sylvia lee
This is sylvia lee from USA.
I’ve been working as a hair stylist almost 18yrs.
Im very passion about doing hair.
I’m current taking a Vidal Sassoon Academy post graduate course it will be done next February.
If I get a chance I would love to be a Varderer working with a great stylists at Trevor Sorbie.
Thank you
Bex Ohta
Hi there Sylvia, that’s brilliant. If you could email your CV and query to careers@trevorsorbie.com that would be brilliant.