Ben Bradley tells us a bit more about his time at Trevor Sorbie and his inspiration behind his artistic designs…
“Hey my name is Ben and I’m a colour technician at Trevor Sorbie in Covent Garden. I have been with the company now for about 7 years and I started with the company back in Manchester and moved to London 3 years ago to start work at Covent Garden.”
Ben explains the inspiration behind his designs…
“Being on the Art team means I can be as creative as I want, even if the idea is crazy I’m always encouraged to think outside the box. My collection is a mixture of avant-garde looks with an artistic twist. The idea came to me when I was playing about with lots of different art techniques and seeing how I could apply them to hair. My process is totally random, I find playing with something that’s just come into my head is much better than sticking to plan. I allow an idea to grow organically and see where it ends up.”
And the most difficult thing about using art materials?
“The most challenging part is that you can never do the same look again, each one is so unique it can’t be re created. If the pattern goes wrong you have to start the whole process right from the beginning, so when doing it you have to stay super focused on the technique – Which is hard when you have a brain like mine! I have worked in many good salons over my career but I find Trevor Sorbie to be the most inspirational. They have helped me find my perfect style and deliver it in a tasteful and beautiful way.”
See the Marble Collection live! Buy tickets now:
Salon International 2018
Sunday 14th October
4:15 – 5:30pm